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Healthy Green Smoothies


Organic Vegetables


Dr. Sara Siso PhD

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In October 1997 my beautiful sister Dina was diagnosed with stage four liver cancer and was given two months to live. While taking care of her in the hospital for one month, I watched the doctors poison her with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Her three sons and I, where sitting in the waiting room right outside the operating room in Mount Sinai hospital in New York, with the bible in our hand, praying for her life and for the operation to be successful.



Throughout the surgery my sister Dina, was screaming STOP, STOP, STOP. It was so painful for us to hear her screaming, so we banged on the operating room door and when the surgeon opened the door we saw my sister tied down with belts all over her body, surrounded by student doctors. We asked the surgeon to stop this barbaric surgery and give her anesthesia; the surgeon told us that her body was too weak for anesthesia and if we don’t sit quietly in the waiting room, he would call the security to throw us out of the hospital. She came out of this torture chamber looking so scary; her entire body was completely orange color. Her pain and suffering was unbearable for me to watch.


I began searching intensively for alternative methods to save my sister’s life.

I discovered the Hippocrates Health Institute. I wanted so badly to enroll my sister but was told it was too late for her. I didn’t take no for an answer. I enrolled immediately and began my journey of discovering the disease preventing and healing power of raw plant-based foods. Upon graduation, I planned to go back to New York to take care of my sister, but unfortunately, she died the day I graduated on December 21st. 1997.

Dina gave me a priceless gift of life.


Soon after Dina’s death on my yearly checkup I was diagnosed with stage two cervical cancer. The doctor put me under tremendous fear and asked me to take immediate action. After witnessing what my sister went through and what I have learned at Hippocrates Health Institute, I decided to refuse the conventional methods and cure myself in a natural way. I thanked the doctor for my wakeup call and left the office with a smile on my face, knowing deep inside that I could cure myself. I immediately started my detox program and within three weeks of cleansing I was cancer free. The doctor called it a miracle. I call it the power of raw plant-based foods, “God’s Medicine”.


Thanks to my cancer, I have found my calling to help others overcome their cancer. My PhD studies in Holistic Medicine taught me that, in fact, all forms of disease can be healed in the same way. The results have been simply incredible to witness! I feel so blessed to share the gift of life with the world.




Dr. Sara Siso, PhD

Holistic Health Practitioner

World Famous Plant Based Healer

Master Raw Food Chef

Author, Public Speaker

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