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How to Reverse Disease in 21 Days

The incidence of hormonal problems has been exploded all over the world and thus people are suffering from various diseases including diabetes, heart disease, gastritis, autoimmune disease, and all. In fact, today almost every family has a member with diabetes which is now affecting the younger age groups as well. Our food habits, having an excessive amount of outside food, fast food, lifestyles and work stress are the reasons behind such diseases. With a proper diet plan, taking healthy food and avoiding dairy products can keep you healthy and reverse disease. However, the diet plan would definitely vary according to the diseases. If someone is suffering from diabetes, then he/she must not intake any sugar in their food items. Again person suffering from cardiovascular disease can reverse the disease if they maintain their diet which is free of fish, meat, dairy and added oils.

The number of people those who are suffering from diabetes in India is about 64.5 million which is ranking second in the world after China. There is a cure for such diseases but to solve any problem, it is necessary to know the cause of diabetes and then we can remove it. The cause of diabetes is not the lack of medicine, not sugar or nor the carbohydrates. The cause of diabetes is insulin resistance. By following a healthy lifestyle, diseases not only controlled but can also be reversed.

Medication is not only the solution for curing any diseases mainly if we are talking about Diabetes. Changing of lifestyle with a proper diet plan and exercise can reverse diabetes. Before going to discuss on the lifestyle to maintain, we first need to know what Type-2 diabetes is.

Type-2 Diabetes: One of the primary fuels of the human body is Sugar without which our body cannot function well. Type-2 diabetes is a chronic condition that is mainly affecting the process of the body to metabolize sugar (glucose), making the body resist the effects of insulin. Insulin is mainly a hormone which regulates the movement of sugar into the cells. When the body is unable to produce the insulin naturally, the patient needs to inject it artificially.

Lifestyle to Follow to Reverse Disease:

Proper Diet to Reverse Disease: A diabetic patient is always asking to take less sugar and carbohydrate; however, it would not help to cure the condition. One of the best ways to get started is to cook your food in less oil or no oil and give up all the dairy products, animal products and other foods made from them as both dairy products and oil are filled up with full of fats. It is essential to take whole food plant-based diet which is low in fat and enables the body insulin level to get back the normal healthy life. A plant-based diet is a powerful tool for preventing, managing and reversing diabetes.

Exercise to Reverse Diseases: Exercises are always beneficial to maintain physical fitness and can manage diabetes and other diseases. Yoga and small fitness exercise not only improve your mental wellbeing but also keep you physically fit. Yoga can reduce diabetic symptoms and allow you to overcome the condition and restore the natural health and function of your body. It stimulates the pancreas and increases the oxygen supply in your blood which ultimately improves the ability of your body to produce insulin.


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